I’ve released Carbon v0.2.5. Download it from BitBucket. It’s 100% documentation updates. I’ve now completed documentation on 80% of Carbon’s functions. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish the final 20% today.
Improved documentation for:
- Test-IisAppPool
- Test-IisWebsiteExists
- Unlock-IisBasicAuthentication
- Unlock-IisCgi
- Unlock-IisConfigSection
- Import-Carbon.ps1
- Set-IniEntry
- Split-Ini
- Set-HgrcDefaultPushUrl
- Get-MsmqMessageQueue
- Get-MsmqMessageQueuePath
- Grant-MsmqMessageQueuePermissions
- Install-Msmq
- Install-MsmqMessageQueue
- Remove-MsmqMessageQueue
- Test-MsmqMessageQueue
- Get-PerformanceCounters
- Install-PerformanceCounter
- Test-PerformanceCounter
- Test-PerformanceCounterCategory
- Uninstall-PerformanceCounterCategory
- Complete-Jobs
- Get-PowershellPath
- Invoke-PowerShell
- Test-PowerShellIs32Bit
- Test-PowerShellIs64Bit
- Add-TrustedHosts
- Get-TrustedHosts
- Set-TrustedHosts
- Assert-AdminPrivileges
- Convert-SecureStringToString
- Grant-Permissions
- New-Credential
- Test-AdminPrivileges
- Improved whitespace in HTML documentation code samples.