I’ve releaed Carbon v0.2.6. Download it from BitBucket.
With this release, I’ve completed all documentation for Carbon’s 100+ functions. Sample scripts and the HTML help files are also now included in the download package. There’s also one bug fix. Here are the complete release notes:
Improved documentation for:
- Grant-ServiceControlPermission
- Install-Service
- Invoke-SubInAcl
- Remove-Service
- Restart-RemoteService
- Install-Share
- Add-GroupMembers
- Get-WmiLocalUserAccount
- Install-Group
- Install-User
- Remove-User
- Test-User
- Install-WindowsFeatureIis
- Install-WindowsFeatureMsmq
- Install-WindowsFeatures
- Test-WindowsFeature
- Uninstall-WindowsFeatures
- Assert-FirewallConfigurable
- Disable-FirewallStatefulFtp
- Enable-FirewallStatefulFtp
- Get-FirewallRules
- Test-FirewallStatefulFtp
- Find-ADUser
- Format-ADSpecialCharacters
- Get-Certificate
- Get-CertificateStore
- Set-HgrcDefaultPushUrl
Additional enhancements:
- Help files and example scripts now included in Carbon download package.
- Added test to help ensure all functions have proper documentation.
Bug Fixes
- Install-IisWebsite now validates the website bindings.